Work with me
What, when, & how much
How often will we meet for coaching?
Most of my clients opt for 6-months of coaching, and we meet for 1 hour, twice a month (via phone or video). With that said, I’m open to chatting about other coaching arrangements that could best match your needs and vision for this work. For example, if you are seeking focused support on a particular topic, or want to try out coaching before diving in deeply, I offer a trial coaching package (3 sessions minimum).
What will your coaching experience include?
Regardless of the length of our coaching relationship, our time together will include:
A fun and engaging intake questionnaire (no boring surveys here!)
A collaboratively designed accountability agreement.
Collaboratively designed “fieldwork” to integrate our sessions into your life.
Text and email access to me between sessions (to help you stay aligned with your unique coaching purpose and vision).
How do we get started?
The first step in exploring if coaching is a fit for you is to sign up for a free 30-minute chemistry call.
Let's talk about money & coaching rates.
I believe that coaching can be within reach for everyone. Growing Home Coaching was founded with the intention to incorporate economic justice and accessibility practices. I want more humans to experience and benefit from this powerful work! I believe I can build a coaching practice that is sustainable for me while also being mindful of the specific realities and systems that may impact client’s finances. Economic justice means we all thrive.
It’s important to me to honor individual financial privilege and personal financial experience when charging clients for my services.
So, I offer a “managed sliding scale” and payment plans on an as-needed basis. And I will always be open to discussion with a prospective client if coaching still feels financially inaccessible.
Managed sliding scale pricing
From clients who need and request a different rate, here’s the sliding scale breakdown:
$105-$120 per session for those who are able to meet basic needs, but have little-to-no expendable income. Paying for coaching would not create hardship.
$80-$100 per session for those struggling to meet basic needs; paying for coaching would present a hardship.
I also provide a special “Pay-It-Forward” price option of $130+ per session - this extra money goes toward supporting these equity practices, as well as future low-cost offerings for others.
I encourage clients to consider their current financial situation, identity-based privilege, and access to financial support from their network as they approach the question of pricing. Clients who pay the standard rate allow me to offer sliding scale discounts to those who need them.
Setting a right-fit coaching rate together is our first collaboration in this work, which aims to model accountability and transparency - foundations of our coaching work.
As a first step in our coaching agreement, you will be invited to share whether you’ll be paying $125/session, or if you need to utilize one of the sliding scale prices listed above.
If you are interested in coaching and these pricing options still feel out of reach for you, please contact me so we can discuss what's possible!
My coaching rate is $125 per session.
Coaching sessions are one hour long and my session rate includes approximately one additional hour of prep, wrap up, and in-between session support.
Learning how to grow my business in a mindful way while incorporating anticapitalist principles into my pricing model has truly enhanced my practice. Special thanks and credit to Bear Hebert, Alexis J. Cunningfolk, and Kelly Diels (whose teachings have shaped the language and content above) and other justice-centered teachers. These humans have helped to strengthen and inform my commitment to building a business aligned with my values.