
Messy Magic

Playful, curious explorations of the messy, complicated, imperfect experience of being human.

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Sara Johnson Sara Johnson

Hello 2025, Goodbye 2024

Maybe we, collectively, are growing our capacity to acknowledge we can transition from one year to the next however we want. Maybe the culture is getting better at a core part of Co-Active coaching: facing what is present with curiosity and tenderness instead of tough love.

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Sara Johnson Sara Johnson

We turn towards each other

What brings you aliveness? What do you love fiercely? Find your magic and the people who empower it. We need each other.

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Sara Johnson Sara Johnson

Stories of self

The longer I coach, the more I find myself conflicted about supporting clients in quickly moving from an “old” narrative to a “new” narrative. Is this…too tidy? Is this antithetical to living in a chaotic, ever-changing, incredibly mysterious world?

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Sara Johnson Sara Johnson

What I not so secretly want for you

Coaching is also a unique, client-specific, client-driven space. Yet is there anything I hold true for all my clients? Do I hold some universal yet unsaid hopes for how coaching influences the humans I work with?

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Sara Johnson Sara Johnson

The thief who gives back

People say “comparison is the thief of joy.” But what if the thief can also give us clarity, perspective, and deeper understanding of our desires?

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Sara Johnson Sara Johnson

You are allowed to change your mind

What other framings are available to us in the moments when we are questioning if we are allowed to change again? What wisdom do we call on when we find ourselves questioning if there is a limit to how much change we are allowed in our lifetime?

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Sara Johnson Sara Johnson

What’s working?

I'm curious about the expansion that occurs when we focus on what doesn't need to be fixed. What happens if we start with the exploration of what is working?

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Sara Johnson Sara Johnson

New Year, Same Self

What is the impact of inviting in transformation while believing we are already whole, we always belong, we are inherently “good.”

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Sara Johnson Sara Johnson

Let’s be in the mess together

Coaching emboldens our imagination. We acknowledge what is real, what is here, what is hard while never losing sight of what is possible.

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